RC110 JanFeb 2024 - Magazine - Page 25
The construction industry as a whole—road building
sector included—has been slower to adopt new
technologies than many other industries.
says. “But being that we’re a bit of a guinea pig as the 昀椀rst
to really use them, we 昀椀nd all of the little snags and nuances with them and tend to work out the kinks, and help
the supplier out with their technologies, and then they
昀椀x it and market it better. It’s worked quite well for us to
work collaboratively.”
All Roads Construction combined its latest road building technologies including its Gencor 300TPH Skidded
Asphalt Ultraplant, GPS technologies, LPS (local positioning system), and Topcon’s PaveLink (a cloud-based application that interconnects the asphalt production process,
logistics, and paving at the jobsite for optimizing e昀케ciencies) to complete a multi-year Highway 1 resurfacing
project this past October. The projects, in total, spanned
300-lane kilometres where it laid down 240,000 tons of
asphalt. The work was performed for the B.C. Ministry of
Transportation and Infrastructure covering the Highway 1
section from Willingdon Street in Burnaby to 216th Street
in Langley.
“We are the 昀椀rst to have four pavers paving an echelon,
all going down the road, side-by-side, all running on GPS.
That way we could pave almost 21-meters-wide with no
joints,” Stephens says. “It’s going to help with the lifecycle
costs because cold joints are always the weakest point of
the highway, and you don’t have any cold joints.”
The company’s e昀昀orts have earned it a nomination
for B.C. Transportation Contractor of the Year Award.
All Roads Construction earned that honour once already,
winning the award in 2020.
Stephens says his younger workforce is spreading the
word about All Roads Construction’s passion for investing in the latest technologies, and that it has helped with
attracting new talent.
“I get younger workers, 35 years and younger, from
other companies calling all the time saying, ‘Hey, we want
to be with All Roads, because we want to be on the leading side of technology.’ So, there’s a pride that goes with
it, too. There are lots of side bene昀椀ts that you don’t tend to
think of until you witness them happening,” he says.
All Roads Construction has
been nominated for B.C.
Transportation Contractor
of the Year Award for its
work resurfacing Highway 1
in the Lower Mainland.
Flying high
Another technology that has been embraced by almost
every member of the BC Road Builders & Heavy
Construction Association’s (BCRB) 280-plus members
in the road building sector are drones, whether it’s for
surveying quarries, obtaining data on atmospheric rivers,
or one of the many other applications these machines o昀昀er