RC110 JanFeb 2024 - Magazine - Page 31
What happens in one part of Quebec is di昀昀erent from another, and both are worlds away from healthcare in Ontario
or British Columbia. Adopting digital twins is the 昀椀rst step
towards breaking down these siloes, sharing best practice,
and catalyzing improvement across the board. Sharing data
from di昀昀erent facilities allows healthcare professionals to
identify broader trends through bigger data sets.
of individual assets but the interaction between di昀昀erent systems, digital twins can reveal the hidden forces
generating these issues within the systems, causes which
are not always obvious and which are often indirect.
These unknowns can yield e昀케ciency gains that were not
thought possible. Although these are incremental changes, they add up to a greater transformation. Our healthcare system is ultimately about people and their communities, and digital twins can revolutionize how patients
relate to and receive care from their hospitals.
One of the biggest barriers to e昀케ciency is fragmentation,
and Canada’s healthcare system is highly fragmented.
Taking our medicine
As global challenges grow more complex, we must enhance traditional, linear processes so that they’re capable
of confronting this complexity.
Digital twins are powerful tools that can be used to fully optimize maintenance and signi昀椀cantly reduce sudden
breakdowns and costly patient transfers. The technology
can also provide valuable, holistic insights to predict patient 昀氀ow and ensure proper sta昀케ng. Its success depends
not on the technology itself, but upon its integration.
Historically, our sector has been slow to adopt new
technology, and the challenges of digitalization are
numerous. Yet many companies are moving full speed
ahead with the use of digital twin technology in a wide
range of projects. With the right balance of skills, integrated, multidisciplinary teams can embed digital innovation
successfully and help revitalize Canada’s healthcare
system, so that it’s 昀椀t for the future.
At CIMA+, we support our clients
to meet the needs of their
communities, optimize long-term
performance and achieve
sustainable development goals.
Based in more than 30 offices across Canada,
our professionals combine world-class skills with an
intimate understanding of local communities to deliver
innovative solutions and customized infrastructure services.
Photo : @jfsavaria