TOP100 2023 Report - Report - Page 71
89 West Calgary Ring Road $552 million
2022 Rank: 87
Location: Calgary, Alta.
Owner: Alberta Transportation
Contractor: EllisDon (North Section); FlatIron/Aecon (Bow
River Bridge Twinning); Calgary Safelink Partners—Carmacks
Enterprises Ltd., Graham Infrastructure LP, VINCI Infrastructure Canada Ltd. (South Section)
Engineer: Hatch (lead); Wood-a WSP company (consulting);
Tetra Tech (design); Parsons (consulting)
Other Key Players: Deloitte (financial advisor); Burns & McDonnell (electric utility relocations); Parsons; Englobe; Morrison Hershfield (quality control)
Funding: Public
Substantial Completion: 2024
The 11-kilometre project is divided into three segments: the
south one that connects with the Southwest Calgary Ring Road,
the north one that meets the Trans-Canada Highway, and a new
bridge across the Bow River. The north segment, running between Old Banff Coach Road and the Trans-Canada Highway, will
be constructed by EllisDon. The project was tendered at a cost of
$463 million.
The West Bow River Bridge twinning project will be built by
Flatiron and Aecon and has been tendered at a cost of $89 million.
The contract for the south portion of the road was awarded in June
2020. The West Calgary Ring Road will be open in 2024, one year
following the expected completion of the Southwest Calgary Ring
Road project. When complete, the entire Calgary Ring Road will
provide travellers with 101 kilometres of free-flow travel.
90 Route 389 Improvement Program $525 million
2022 Rank: 89
Location: Baie-Comeau, Que. to the Newfoundland-Labrador
Owner: Government of Quebec
Contractor: Dexter Quebec (projet C); Groupe Alfred Boivin
(projet B)
Other Key Players: BPR/AXOR Experts-Conseils Consortium
(planning and specifications north of Manic-5); Roche-TDA
Consortium, in conjunction with Inspec-Sol (GHD) (environmental assessment); WSP (route design work)
Funding: Public
• Federal: $183 million
• Provincial: $342 million
Substantial Completion: 2025
This 570-kilometre highway joins the city of Baie-Comeau in
Quebec with the Newfoundland-Labrador border. The improvement program is key in the development of Plan Nord, as it will
improve access to lands north of the 49th parallel. The program
is divided into five individual projects: Project A: from Fire
Lake to Fermont; Project B: Baie-Comeau to Manic-2; Project C:
winding sector north of Manic-Five; Project D: Manic-2 north of
Manic-3; Project E: Manic-3 North to Manic-5.
After the commencement of Project C in 2019, Project B got
underway in May 2020. Project C carries a cost of $27 million,
while Project B represents an investment of $121.8 million.
Work has taken place on sections of the road, including Project C (completed) and parts of Projects D and E. Project B has
been under construction since 2020.
91 BMO Convention and Trade Centre Expansion Project $500 million
Calgary Stampede
2022 Rank: 90
Location: Calgary, Alta.
Owner: Calgary Stampede
Development Manager: Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
Construction Manager: PCL Construction
Engineer: Tetra Tech (design); Entuitive
Architect: Stantec, S2 Architecture; Populous (planning and
Other Key Players: M3 Development, Wood-a WSP company
(materials tester)
Funding: Public
• Federal: $166.6 million
• Provincial: $166.6 million
• Municipal: $166.6 million
Substantial Completion: 2024
The 565,000 sq. ft. expansion will more than double the size
of the BMO Convention and Trade Centre to a total of more
than one million square feet, transforming it into western
Canada’s largest convention venue and creating new spaces for
conferences, meetings, exhibitions and consumer shows. The
Calgary Stampede and Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
unveiled the design for the new Centre in 2020, and the project
has made significant progress since, with the installation of
the 9,000 metric tonnes of steel that comprise the building’s
impressive structure on track for completion by the end of 2022.
The project is scheduled for completion by June 2024.
ReNew Canada 71