TOP100 2023 Report - Report - Page 14
Bruce Power Refurbishment $13 billion*
14 ReNew Canada
In December of 2015, Bruce Power announced its plan to refurbish
six of its eight nuclear reactors at its plant near Kincardine, Ont.
The project, originally scheduled to commence in 2016, was
postponed until 2020 based on the usable life of the reactors.
The eight reactors produce 6,550 megawatts of power annually,
approximately 30 per cent of Ontario’s current energy usage.
Bruce Power’s operations support 22,000 direct and indirect jobs
annually, generating about $4 billion in annual economic benefits
in communities throughout the province. The agreement between
the Ontario government and Bruce Power has achieved $1.7 billion
in savings for electricity customers when compared to the forecast
in Ontario’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan (2013 LTEP). This means
a reduction in forecast household electricity bills by about $66 each
year over the next decade, according to the Ontario government.
Bruce Power is investing approximately $13 billion of its own
funds to cover the costs associated with the refurbishment and
agrees to take full risk of cost overruns on refurbishments of the
six nuclear units. In October 2022, the refurbishment of the first
reactor (MCR Unit 6) is progressing on time and on budget. So far,
the project has completed the inspection of the reactor vessel and
installation of upper feeders. Bruce Power has started assembly
and installation of the fuel channel assemblies, which will be
followed by installation of lower feeders. The Steam Generator
installation is substantially complete with demobilization in
progress. Preparations for moderator fill are under way. The
start of refueling is expected in Q2 of 2023, which would be a key
milestone for this refurbishment project. Unit 6 will return to
service in 2023. (All capital cost is disclosed by TC Energy).
In parallel with Unit 6 refurbishment, preparations are
ongoing for refurbishment of the next units. Preparation for
construction phase of Unit 3 MCR is ongoing with Breaker Open
scheduled for March 1, 2023.
Bruce Power
2022 Rank: 3
Location: Tiverton, Ont.
Owner: Bruce Power
DBFM Team (Office Complex and Training Facility): Concert
Infrastructure—Bird Construction, Stantec Concert Realty
Services—Stonebridge Financial Corp.
Engineer: Hatch (preliminary/planning study); Wood-a WSP
company (consulting engineer); Tetra Tech (MCR); Candu
Energy (MCR)
Contractor: AECOM, Aecon, AREVA NP; Framatome (steam
generator replacement); Black & McDonald (Unit 6 mechanical
and electrical projects); Shoreline JV: Aecon, AECOM, SNCLavalin (Fuel Channel Feeder Replacement program); ES Fox,
BWXT (Highland Nuclear)
Other Key Players: WSP (quality assurance oversight);
Golder-a WSP company (geotechnical services/environmental
engineering); Deloitte; AGAT Labs (analytical testing); Burns
& McDonnell (integrated project controls support); Sargent
& Lundy (integrated project management & project controls
support); Deloitte
Suppliers: BWXT Canada Inc. (steam generators, feeder
fabrication, end fittings, liners, and flow elements); Nu-Tech
Precision Metals (zirconium alloy pressure tubes); Cameco
Fuel Manufacturing (calandria tubes and annulus spacers);
Brotech Precision (shield plugs); BC Instruments (Positioning
assemblies, feeder hubs), Framatome (PHT chemical decontamination skid); Laker Energy Products (end fittings, liners,
and flow elements)
Legal: Osler (lead counsel); Torys (acting for the lender)
Funding: Private
Substantial Completion: 2033
* All capital cost is disclosed by TC Energy