RC109 NovDec 2023 - Magazine - Page 39
2023 Top100 Projects Rank: 47 Value: $1.49 billion
THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA announced that construction of the top
昀氀oor of the Royal Columbian Hospital project has been completed.
The acute-care tower is estimated to be complete in 2025.
“Today’s construction milestone for the new patient care tower at
Royal Columbian Hospital is a signi昀椀cant step in ensuring better access
to care for people in Queensborough and New Westminster,” said Aman
Singh, MLA for Richmond-Queensborough.
The hospital redevelopment is a multi-year project that will take place
in three phases. Phase 1 involved the opening of a new 75-bed Mental
Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre in 2020.
Phase 2 includes the new acute-care tower, which will have beds for
intensive care, cardiac intensive care, medical, maternity, and surgical
patients. The new, larger emergency department will have a medical imaging unit that will reduce travel times for procedures. There will also be
new operating rooms and radiology suites that will connect with the existing Health Care Centre to create an interventional “super 昀氀oor.” Phase
2 will also provide more maternity beds and maternity operating rooms.
In addition, the tower will have a two-level underground parkade.
Phase 3 will upgrade areas in the existing Health Care Centre and
Columbia Tower.
Total funding for the project is $1.49 billion, provided by the Province,
Fraser Health, and the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.