TOP100 2023 Report - Report - Page 61
57 Thunder Bay Correctional Complex $1.2 billion
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont.
Owner: Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General
Procurement/Projecct Manager: Infrastructure Ontario
DBFM Team: EllisDon Infrastructure
Developer: EllisDon Capital Inc.
Design-Builder: EllisDon Corporation
Design Team: Zeidler Architecture Inc., DLR Group Inc.
Facilities Management: EllisDon Facilities Services Inc.
Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.
Funding: P3
Substantial Completion: 2026
Infrastructure Ontario is working with the Ministry of the Solicitor
General to deliver a new Thunder Bay Correctional Complex, to replace the city’s existing jail and correctional centre.
The project will result in development of a 345 bed, multipurpose correctional facility. This project supports the ministry’s strategy of replacing aging institutions to address health,
safety and security issues, including efficiencies of design, technology and space. It will improve access to programming, living
conditions and education, while also updating automation and
The correctional complex will be designed to meet the Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification.
58 CFB Esquimalt A/B Jetty Recapitalization Project $1.1 billion
2022 Rank: 73
Location: Constance Cove, B.C.
Owner: Department of National Defence
Contractor: Pomerleau
Project Contract Management: Defence Construction Canada
Engineers: Statec (design authority for “B” Jetty); Wood-a WSP
company (design)
Other Key Players: Hanscomb (design engineer’s
cost consultant for “A” Jetty); Advicas (design engineer’s cost
consultant for “B” Jetty); Golder-a WSP company (geotechnical
studies/environmental engineering); Anchor QAE (environmental
advisor); Hemmera (environmental); HDR (risk advisor); WSP
(commissioning agent); Ruskin/CDI, RIC Power, Trotter & Morton,
Black & McDonald (subcontractors to Pomerleau)
Contractor: Scansa Construction (utility corridor)
Funding: Public
Substantial Completion: 2030
The aim of the A/B Jetty project is to demolish and
replace the old ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ jetties at CFB Esquimalt’s
Dockyard, which were constructed during World War
II. The A/B Jetty project supports Canada’s National
Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy, which is delivering
modern ships to the Royal Canadian Navy over the next
30 years. The new fully integrated A/B Jetty facility will
be home to several of these Canadian-built vessels,
including the new Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship and Joint
Support Ship, and in due course the future Canadian
Surface Combatant ships. The implementation of this
$1.1 billion project has been advancing steadily over
the past decade and it currently involves three primary
contracts: one for the design & engineering work of the
new “B” Jetty, one for the design & engineering work of
the new “A” Jetty and one for the construction of the new
jetty facilities.
59 North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant Program $1.058 billion
2021 Rank: 66
Location: North Vancouver, B.C
Owner: Metro Vancouver
Engineer: AECOM (design consultant, former
owner’s engineer)
Contractor: PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc.
(currently under construction management services
early works contract)
Architect: AECOM
Legal: Norton Rose Fulbright (counsel for Metro Vancouver)
Other Key Players: WSP (procurement); Golder-a WSP
company (geotechnical evaluations); Wood-a WSP company
(consulting and environmental engineer/geotechnical studies/
materials tester)
Funding: P3
Substantial Completion: TBD
The North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant is a new
tertiary treatment facility being built to replace the existing
primary level Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant on
the North Shore.
The facility will feature an enclosed design and robust
odour control system to prevent odour from reaching neighbouring residents and businesses, will recover heat for use
in a nearby district energy system, and will include a public
plaza, education, and community meeting spaces. Construction officially began in late August 2018. In 2019, the decision was made to move from secondary to tertiary treatment
technology. In 2022, Metro Vancouver and PCL Constructors
Westcoast Inc signed a pre-construction services contract to
take the next steps to complete the North Shore Wastewater
Treatment Plant and to create an updated plan to complete
the project, including developing a revised project budget
and schedule that is anticipated for 2023.
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