TOP100 2025 Report - Report - Page 50
The Ottawa Hospital’s new Campus
Redevelopment project is being delivered
using a progressive public-private
partnership (P3) approach which fosters
a collaborative development of project
requirements, design, pricing, schedule,
and risk management.
In early 2024, Infrastructure Ontario
and The Ottawa Hospital signed a Development Phase Agreement with The
Ottawa Hospital Build Partners. The parties will work to advance the design
and confirm fixed pricing. Once the Development Phase is complete, it is
expected that The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners will enter into a fixed-price
Project Agreement with The Ottawa Hospital to design, build, finance, and
maintain the new Campus Redevelopment project.
2024 Rank: 30
Location: Ottawa, Ont.
Owner: The Ottawa Hospital
Devopment Parter: Ottawa Hospital Build Parnters
Applicant Leads: PCL Investments Inc & ED Capital Inc.
Design Team: Parkin Architects Ltd & Adamson Associates Architects
Construction Team: PCL Constructors Canada Inc. and EllisDon Corporation Joint Venture
Financial Advisor: PCL Investments Inc. & ED Capital Inc.
Project/Construction Manager: GBA Group (development advisor/project management)
Strategic Finance Planning Services: Deloitte
Architectural Services: HDR Architecture Associates, Inc.; NORR Architects & Engineers
Master Programmer: Agnew Peckham Health Care Consultants
Other Key Players: Parsons (engineering services); Colliers Project Leaders (planning
and procurement services); EXP (planning, design & compliance - structural engineering);
GFL (excavation, shoring, soil management); Hanscomb (cost consultant); LEA Consulting
(engineer-structural); Stantec (consulting engineer); PCL Construction (contractor-parking
garage); Arium Design (wayfinding consultant); E.S. Fox; GHD (geotechnical studies); H.H.
Angus & Associates Limited Consulting Engineers (engineer-design)
Legal: Borden Ladner Gervais (for the owner)
Funding: Progressive P3
Substantial Completion: 2028
Île d’Orléans Bridge
The current bridge was put into service in 1935, and
its replacement is essential to ensure the economic and
tourist vitality of Île d’Orléans. The new crossing will provide a 3.5-metre-wide traffic lane in each direction and
2.5-metre-wide shoulders on each side of the deck. The
deck also incorporates 3-metre-wide multipurpose paths
in each direction, which allow access for maintenance
vehicles. The new bridge is scheduled to be commissioned
in 2028, while deconstruction work is expected to be completed in 2033. The project includes three components:
the redevelopment of Côte du Pont and its intersection
with Chemin Royal and Route Prévost (preparatory work);
the construction of the new bridge, including the reconstruction of the interchange between the Dufferin-Montmorency highway , Sainte-Anne boulevard and the bridge;
the deconstruction of the current bridge.
Valley Line West LRT
The Valley Line West LRT project is the next phase of Edmonton’s light
rail transit expansion. This project represents a 14-kilometre extension
from downtown Edmonton to Lewis Farms in west Edmonton. The low-floor,
community-integrated, urban-style LRT will help move more people along
key corridors as Edmonton grows into a city of two million over the coming
decades. In 2024, work continued on two new bridges. The Anthony Henday
Drive LRT bridge will connect West Edmonton to Lewis Farms, and other
bridge will cross Groat Road at Stony Plain Road. Light rail vehicles (LRVs)
will share the Stony Plain Road Bridge with motorists, pedestrians and
cyclists. The new bridge over Anthony Henday Drive will be dedicated solely to
Valley Line LRVs.
Location: Île d’Orléans
Owner: Ministère des Transports
et de la Mobilité durable
Groupe Héritage Île-d’Orléans S.E.N.C., a
consortium including Dragados Canada Inc.
and EBC Inc.
Architect: Lavigne Chéron Architectes
Other Key Players: TYLin, AtkinsRéalis
(design and construction phase services);
Stantec; EXP; Michel Virlogeux Consultant;
Ramboll; CIMA+ (consulting engineer);
GHD (geotechnical studies)
Substantial Completion: 2028
2024 Rank: 31
Location: Edmonton, Alta.
Owner: City of Edmonton
DB(F) Team: Marigold Infrastructure Partners—Colas, Parsons, Standard General, Francl
Architecture, Fast & Epp, Stantec
Owner’s Engineer: connectEd Transit Partnership: AECOM (consulting); Hatch; Mott MacDonald; DIALOG; ISL Engineering and Land Services; SMA Consulting; reVerb Communications; Hanscomb; Associated Engineering (consulting)
Other Key Players: EY (financial advisor); Aon, INTECH (risk advisor); Golder (WSP) (geotechnical
studies); Stantec, A.W. Hooker Associates Ltd. (independent certifier); CIMA+; Northstar Consultancy; INFRATA; Wood (WSP) (geotechnical studies/materials tester); Englobe; McElhanney (site
surveyor); Turner & Townsend; Montrose Environmental (environmental specialists); AGAT Labs
Funding: P3
• Federal $948.56 million
• Provincial $1.04 billion
• Municipal $637 million
Substantial Completion: 2028
The Ottawa Hospital
New Campus Development